We are now proud to offer individual replacement parts for our entire line of Real Life Nativity sets. We have partnered with an exclusive retailer who will be making these items available to the general public. You can visit them here to see their full line of offerings.
The 12 Piece Outdoor Nativity
The full 12-piece nativity (Model RLN058) includes all the figures (the Lighted Stable is sold separately) and comes in a single box for easy shipping. The unique flat metal design with super hi resolution printing makes a large, beautiful yard display and really captures the meaning of Christmas.
New this year! Included in each set are plastic coated metal stakes that can be attached to each piece and provide an additional measure of stability and help hold the flat metal figures more securely in place. Each figure also comes ith 2 three-pronged metal stakes to firmly anchor them in the ground.

NEW for 2024!
The Silent Night Lighted Outdoor Nativity
Even brighter this year, with double the lights in the front display bar.
A stunning piece that depicts the Holy Family praying over the manger holding the baby Jesus. The rich detail depicts a beautiful scene. The image is printed on flat metal but looks amazingly three dimensional. What really sets the piece apart is the way it’s lit – with the Holy Family bathed in a soft amber light. Lights shine down from behind the top section and mix with a lit lantern in Joseph’s hand and an 18″ tall front light. Together these lights make the piece seem to glow in soft amber light. At more than 55 inches tall, the Silent Night Outdoor Nativity will stand out as a new and favorite addition to outdoor Christmas decorations. 55 18″ x 32 1/4″ with 120v LED lighting. Piece folds to ship and store small. Model RLN055.

As of the 2023 model year, all outdoor metal nativities are now electroplated with a durable anti-rust coating that covers 100% of the metal surface and shields the pieces from rust and corrosion.
Where to find Three Kings Gifts
We get contacted from retail buyers all the time asking if they can purchase directly from Three King Gifts. We are really thankful for your interest and would be more than happy to tell you everything you want to know about our products BUT, we can’t sell them to you directly. We’re only set up to sell to stores and other qualified resellers. But, don’t let that keep you from contacting us. We’d be happy to search out a store near you that carries our products or provide you with places on line where you can find what you’re looking for. We’re often asked why we don’t set up a data base to let you find a store near you on your own. The reason for us is simple: Because we only sell to stores, we don’t have as much contact with final customers and we’d like. We love hearing about who someone gave gold, frankincense and myrrh to or how it was a hit at the school Christmas pageant. So, if you have a question or story to tell, please, give us a call. It’s free (877 735 4647) and we’ll happily answer any question we can. Of course, if you’re looking to buy some, we’ll help you find out where you can do that.
Leaving your Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh out year round
Putting away Christmas fills most of us with mixed emotions. There’s good reason to be happy when all the ornaments are finally packed up and safely stored away but there’s also a bit of melancholy. It’s a magical time of year and you know that you’ve got to get through the thick of winter, and all of spring and summer before you can even begin to feel that first twinge of anticipation again. Maybe that’s why some folks are leaving their chests of gold, frankincense and myrrh out year round.
We started hearing from people who keep the chests on their desks at work or on a table in the living room. It helps that the chests are attractive and interesting to look at but maybe they just liked having a little bit of Christmas handy year round. We especially like the way one customer put it: “On April 15th, I picked up the gold globe, gave it a shake and smiled. Then I wrote the check!”
The Real Life Nativity: Hiding in plain sight
Thanks to our many customers for helping us see the obvious. In 2009 we introduced figures of the Three Kings following the Christmas Star with chests filled with real gold, frankincense and myrrh. They were a big success and the feedback was wonderful to hear. The most often repeated comment was how real they looked – especially the facial expressions. The second most often heard comment, however, was “When are you going to come out with the rest of the nativity?” Because we started with “The Original Gifts of Christmas” – gold, frankincense and myrrh – we may have been a little short-sighted. It wasn’t until store owners that carry our products pointed it out that we realized – of course – we need to offer all of the figures in the nativity. Well, here they are. We hope you’ll agree that, with the figures in the Holy Family and the Shepherds and Angel, we’ve maintained the detail and life-like realism we captured in the Kings. Please drop us an email letting us know what you think and don’t be timid about passing along other great ideas we may not be seeing – even if they are staring us in the face!